International appeal to stop 5G on earth and in space



Your Support is Needed

Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety’s appeal to stop 5G will be filed in the U.S.  Supreme Court one month from today. We will ask the high court to strike down as  unconstitutional the preemption clause in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This  will restore to cities and states the right to protect their citizens’ health, and it will  restore to injured people the right to a remedy for their losses.

Our wonderful attorneys are Phillip Gregory of the Gregory Law Group in Redwood  City, California, and Merrill Bent of Woolmington, Campbell, Bent & Stasny in  Manchester, Vermont. They and I are hard at work crafting our legal arguments and  otherwise preparing the ground in order to have the best chance to have the  Supreme Court accept our case.

Part of the ground work, as outlined in my last newsletter, is getting many  organizations to file amicus (friend of the court) briefs in the Supreme Court in  support of our lawsuit. We are approaching cities and counties; members of  Congress; environmental organizations; EMF organizations; and others.

Stop 5G appeal

The South Carolina Coalition for Wireless Safety Standards has hired an attorney  and is taking the lead in organizing the amicus brief that will be filed on behalf of the  EMF organizations and others. The (approximately 60) organizations and numerous  individuals who have already contacted me or Kathleen will be put in touch with  them. We need as many organizations as possible to join their brief. If you would like to join, either as an organization or as an individual, and have not yet contacted us,  please contact Lex Kisteneff, their director, at, (803) 622-3950.

stop 5G

They are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and donations to them are tax- deductible for U.S. residents. Their Tax ID number is 84-4451900. They are extremely  committed to stopping 5G. Donations should be sent by check to:

South Carolina Coalition for Wireless Safety Standards to stop 5G

501 Dogwood Street Columbia,

SC 29205

(803) 622-3950

Organizations from both the U.S. and other countries are welcome to join their brief  in support of this critical effort on behalf of everyone’s health, environment, and the  future of life on Earth.

The last 25 newsletters, to stop 5G including this one, are available for downloading and  sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the  newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian and French. 

To subscribe, go to www.cellphonetaskforce/subscribe or click on this link:

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