Border Security Force (BSF)1

Border Security Force

The Border Security Force (BSF) is a border protecting or guarding force. It was established on December 1, 1965. Its primary role is to guard India’s international borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh during peacetime and prevent trans-border crime: BSF is headed by an IPS officer and is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA).

The Border Security Force, or BSF, is the largest border security force in the world. The BSF is responsible for protecting the borders of India, and preventing illegal cross-border activities, such as smuggling and trafficking. The BSF is a paramilitary force, which means it operates under the direction of the Ministry of Home Affairs, but is independent from the Indian Navy and the Indian Army. The BSF is a highly trained and specialized force, which operates in both hot and cool climates, and at heights that would be considered impossible for an average border security force.

Need of Border Security Force

The Indo-Pakistan war of 1965 demonstrated the inadequacies of the existing border management system and led to the formation of the Border Security Force as a unified central agency with the specific mandate of guarding India’s international boundaries with Pakistan. The BSF had trained,

supported and formed a part of ‘Mukti Vahini’. It also played an important role

in the liberation of Bangladesh.

Strength and battalions of BSF

The BSF has a strength of 2,50,000 personnel in 186 battalions. Some of its battalions are also deployed with CRPF in the Naxal affected region of Danda karanya and Jammu and Kashmir. The air wing of the BSF also played a constructive role in the relief work in Uttarakhand during the Kedarnath disaster in 2013. Two battalions of the BSF, located at Guwahati & Kolkata and are designated as the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).

Read:-Security Issues/Breaches In Cyber Space (Cyber Security and law)

Role (Position) of BSF During Peacetime

During peacetime, the BSF is associated with the following.

1).Role of BSF to promote sense of security among the people living in the border like areas

2).Role of BSF to prevent cross-border crimes, unauthorised entry into or exit from the territory of India

3).Role of BSF to prevent smuggling, trafficling and any other illegal activities on the border Anti-infiltration duties

4).Role of BSF to collect and protect trans-border intelligence

Border Security Force

Role (Position) of BSF in Times of War

On During the war, BSF is responsible for:

1). To Holding ground in assigned sectors

2).Limited aggressive action against the Central Armed Police Force or irregular forces of the enemy

3).Maintenance of law and order in enemy territory administered under the Army’s control

4).To Guarding of prisoners of war, camps

5).Acting as guides to the army in border like areas

6).To Assistance in control of refugees

7).Provision of escorts

8).Performing special tasks connected with intelligence, including raids


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